Lithium Batteries for Boats

Offgrid living experience
8 years living full time long distance cruising on a yacht.
Installation experience
15 years solar installation experience.
We love what we do, which is reflected in the quality of our service.
Thinking of upgrading to lithium batteries on your boat. We tested the Azeco lithium batteries for three years on a catamaran and monohull before offering these to our customers.
Please call us for advice on 01803 446 109.

Why choose prismatic cells?
Batteries on boats are subjected to significant vibration, therefore we recommend batteries with prismatic cells. This is because a 100Ah cylindrical cell battery using standard 18650 type cylindrical cells will have 265 internal solder joints. Chosing a battery with prismatic cell reduces these solder joints to 5.
Why choose at least 60Ah batteries?
Prismatic cells do not fit into batteries less than 60Ah, so smaller batteries typically have cylindrical cells less suited to boats.
Why choose smaller batteries?
It is often better to install 2 x 100Ah batteries rather than 1 x 200Ah battery. This enables you to break the batteries into banks. If there is a fault on one bank it can be turned off allowing the remaining banks to power your boat.
Why install a shunt monitor?
A shunt style monitor is an accurate way of checking the status of the battery system on a display or via bluetooth connected to a mobile device.
Wiring a boat for lithium batteries
How to compare lithium batteries for yachts
High charge
Many boats have high output alternators so need to be matched to a battery with high continuous charge rates.
High discharge
Many boats have high current windlasses so you need to choose a battery with high continuous discharge rates.
It is a big investment to switch to lithium batteries so why not choose one of the leading consumer battery manufacturers’ such as Eve, Gotion or Panasonic.
Quality battery management
system (BMS)
To ensure longevity of the battery a high quality battery management system (BMS) is needed.
Padding between and around cells
To minimise shock impacts, padding around the cells is required. Azeco batteries all have suitable padding.
Large cables on the BMS
It is important to have large cables between the cells and from the cells to the battery management system. We specified extra large cables to minimise energy loss.
Water resistant
Being a damp environment, having a good level of water resistance is important. Azeco batteries are all IP66 rated.
Benefits of Azeco 100Ah lithium batteries

Moving to lithium batteries from lead acid
- Make sure all of your charging devices are compatible with LifePO4 batteries. For example, your shore charger and solar charge controller.
- Ensure the batteries are not installed in the engine "room". Keeping them around 15-25°C is optimal.
- Ensure your alternator is protected. Lithium batteries are able to charge at a much faster rate than lead acid which can cause your alternator to overheat. Therefore, always fit a battery to battery charger between your lead acid starter battery and lithium battery (unless you have an alternator that has heat/output regulation).
Benefits of lithium compared to lead acid batteries on a boat
Charge faster
- Lithium batteries can absorb more energy from solar. For example, a 1,000 watt solar system may charge lead acid batteries at 600 watts but lithium batteries at 800 watts. They will also charge faster when the engine is running.
Higher load
- You may be able to run high load devices such as windlasses and winches without starting the engine. A very important safety feature.
Avoid propane or butane gas
- You might be able to avoid having gas on the boat by using induction hobs instead.
Cost effective
- Cost effective. At face value some 100Ah deep cycle lead acid batteries are less expensive than a 100Ah LiFePO4. But after comparing like with like, you are likely to find LiFePO4 is significantly less expensive. See "Cost comparison - lithium vs lead acid" below.
- 3x lighter making lithium ideal for boats where weight can be important. A 100Ah lithium battery weighing 10kg is equivalent to a 180Ah lead acid battery weighing about 30kg.
Cost comparison - lithium vs lead acid

Benefits of LiFePO4